Upcoming Programs

Introduction to Doing Business in India


India has the world’s largest democracy and a rapidly growing population that has overtaken China. The Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (ECTA) strengthens trade relations, making India a compelling option for Australian businesses.

Introduction to Doing Business in Malaysia


Australia and Malaysia have robust economic ties, with Malaysia ranking as Australia’s ninth largest trading partner. The bilateral Malaysia-Australia Free Trade Agreement (MAFTA) provides businesses with greater access to Malaysia’s export-oriented, high-middle income economy and favourable business climate.

Introduction to Doing Business in Singapore


Singapore is a dynamic, business-focused nation that is consistently ranked as the world’s easiest place to start a business. Its excellent connectivity, world‑class infrastructure, strategic location, and first‑rate labour force provide unrivalled opportunities for Australian businesses.

Introduction to Doing Business in China


China is Australia’s largest trading partner and the most populous country in the world. The rapidly rising middle class is expected to account for 70 percent of this market’s population by 2030, representing a lucrative commercial opportunity.

Introduction to Doing Business in The Philippines


The Philippines is Southeast Asia’s second most populous country and sits in a prime maritime location aside some of the world’s busiest shipping lanes. The Australian government has identified The Philippines as a key market for two-way trade and investment in its Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040.

Introduction to Doing Business in Thailand


Thailand is a prosperous northern frontier for Australian business and a gateway to India, China and mainland Southeast Asia. The Thailand-Australia Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA) gives Australian investors additional benefits and protections, and current annual trade is $19 billion.

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